All Profiles >> Lucky – Give a tripod cat a chance

Lucky – Give a tripod cat a chance

Age 7 year(s)
Looking for Adopt
Gender Male
Breed Domestic Short Hair
Primary Color Tabby
Current Fosterer Ling

Video of Lucky –

Lucky the cat wasn’t so lucky when he met with an accident on the streets that he lived in for years. This happened in September 2024, and the accident resulted in amputation of his right hind leg.

He has since recovered from his amputation, and is doing well.

Lucky can be quite lively once he settles down his environment. He is friendly, curious, and outgoing, like most male tabby cats. He is now in a temporary foster home. Our community feeders saved his life and all we want now, is to find him a permanent home where he can spend the rest of his life.


  • Male tabby DSH, sterilized with a tipped ear
  • Estimated 6-7 years old, weighs around 5.8kg
  • 3-legged cat (back right limb amputated due to a street accident)
  • Walks well. Can jump and run
  • Litter trained (no issues despite being a tripod cat)
  • Very affectionate to humans. Okay with female cats (he’s quite afraid of the resident female cats actually), not good with boy cats
  • On clopidogrel for life to prevent blood clot. Not to worry, it’s an affordable medication and the tablet can be put in his food.

He needs a cat experienced owner who can adhere to the following:

  • Cat must be kept INDOORS
  • Meshing is a must for windows/gates because one limb less will not deter cats from scaling heights
  • Provide wet & dry food
  • Have the financial means to provide vet care as and when needed
  • A small adoption fee & signing of adoption contract applies
  • Allow a pre-adoption home visit and periodic home visits (pre-arranged) by fosterer/ rescuer when the cat is adopted so that we know he is well. We will provide care guidance along the way

Note: Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in adopting Lucky


Cat Welfare Society

At Cat Welfare Society we believe every cat should live a life free from fear and suffering. This is why we exist, to help those who can't help themselves.


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