Project 500 – A CWS Sterilisation Project

After the success of Spay Day, we are launching PROJECT 500 to provide free sterilisation to 500 community cats by end February 2012.

Unlike Spay Day that aims to benefit all caregivers, this project is our dedication to a select team of dedicated and effective MEDIATORS around Singapore.

UPDATE: 554 cats were sterilised through Project 500!

Why only for Mediators?

Because mediation is a critical pillar in the entire humane cat management programme in Singapore. It is not enough just to feed and sterilise the cats, assisting Town Councils in handling cat-related issues is one of the most important functions of caregiving. These mediators are an example to others in their —- Dedication to the cause —- Ability to establish good working relationship with Town Councils —- Ability to achieve win-win in mediation cases —- They work hard to build connections and networks to caregivers and feeders in the areas they are covering These are the cat welfare heroes that deserve our support to do more and do better. We also like to encourage more people to come forward in filling this critical role in more areas!

A touching tribute

We sincerely thank Katherine Houghtby for supporting the Cat Welfare Society and Project 500 in a truly touching way. She lost her kind, faithful, animal-loving husband and father to her children, Michael Houghtby, recently. In lieu of condolences, she appealed to his colleagues at APL/NOL to donate to the Cat Welfare Society instead. They raised over $3,700 in memory of Mike and this donation will kickstart PROJECT 500. We are extremely grateful to Katherine to have turned her deep loss into this beautiful thing.

We need your help too in support of community cats and those that give so much of themselves towards this worthwhile cause.

We are accepting donations as Festive Charity Gifts and will send a special acknowledgement to friends or family about your meaningful gift!

Donate to CWS for Project 500 at AXS Stations or through internet transfer:

Bank: DBS Current Account
Account number: 065 – 013507 – 8
Bank Code: 7171
Branch Code: 065

If you are donating via internet transfer, please send us an email to [email protected] with the title “Donation to Project 500” and the following infomation:

Name of donor:
Amount donated:
Transacting bank:
Transaction number:
Date and time of internet/ATM transfer:
Name of recipient of charity gift (where applicable):
Email address of recipient of charity gift (where applicable):

Make 2011/2012 a critical turning point in cat welfare in Singapore.

Photo courtesy of Chua Ju Wei Jeremy Charity Gift Photo courtesy of Charlie Tan

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Cat Welfare Society

At Cat Welfare Society we believe every cat should live a life free from fear and suffering. This is why we exist, to help those who can't help themselves.


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